Friday, May 2, 2014

Ruth's Book - The Happy Accident of finding good Coffee

This piece and post tells the tale of wandering randomly around Frankfurt one day, because I had a spare hour before a dance show I wanted to see and suddenly coming across a long, LONG queue outside a shop, like out the door and round the corner long.

So I stopped to investigate and saw that this was a coffee shop. I haven't seen this happen since Mexico and my beloved Jarocho's,

so felt that I had to stop and find out what all the fuss was about, and this is how I discovered Wacker's Kaffee, which is basically the best coffee in town by a mile.

So why has it taken me so long to put the post together. Well......, when I was working on the piece for Petr's book, I borrowed/stole some material from a quilter I know. When I went over there to pick the pieces up I saw something she had done, which was to transfer images onto the material herself.
It's easy she said - and I knew it was something I wanted to try - but trying to get this to work has resulted in about 20 different starts and attempts - until I finally had this.
The moral of the tale is be cautious when someone who routinely makes double bed size pieces of textile art says something is easy!

The backing of the main part is the foil cover of a Wacker's Coffee bag (which you can see peeking through, covered with a transferred map of Frankfurt centre with my little wander embroidered on it - and finally covered with an embroidered Wacker's emblem - which is what took the time - I ended up embroidering through a photocopy then removing the paper - old school is sometimes best.

It sort of worked. I hated the top layer the moment I finished it as the lettering wasn't as clear as I wanted, but rather than throw another attempt at this piece in the bin, decided to sleep on it.
It grew on me with a bit of distance and I sort of like the fuzziness of the emblem and that it blurs the edges of the piece.

The good news is that I now sort of get this transferring stuff, so Erin's book is going to get a super-kitsch entry next.

Petr, I miss you dude!


  1. I love, love the raw feel of it - and that's most likely due to the imperfections in the process you mentioned but in my opinion it adds onto the quality and feel of the piece rather than takes away, dope entry!

  2. WOW!!! Ann, It's amazing. You'll have to share the technique. I LOVE IT!!!!
    Miss you guys.
