Thursday, February 13, 2014


I read Erin’s sketchbook as a series of tributes to a place, or an aspect of a place. Prague keeps on being such an essential part of my heart, such an incredible place to live, I feel like I’m in sync with the rhythm and tune of this place since my first days here and it’s just getting better, though I most likely don’t make the best out of all the opportunities it brings. I’m fascinated by cities – organisms of concrete, iron and glass. I keep on imagining empty cities and realize that we’re indeed the blood of a city – the circulatory system of human movement – people and their lives and how they shape their closest environments. People I find fascinating too – strangers, neighbours, friends – carriers of stories known and unknown, mysteries ordinary, unbelievable & unraveled. Walking streets, travelling public transport, every moment I try to imagine stories of anonymous by passers, what do they carry within, and how interconnected all is. I decided to pay my tribute to Prague through paying tribute to its people. This series in a way is an illustration of a music vid to a song Planet Prague by my friend Vladimir – the song too is a tribute to the people who bring life to my city. I made drawings of some of the vid characters on a tracing paper, overlaid them over another tracing paper featuring various maps of Prague and overlaid both over a sewing pattern from an old German magazine for women – this pattern provided the basis of numerous interconnected lines – fates – destinies. Finding the maps was a brilliant exercise, I realized how differently we navigate our environments, depending on our purposes, aims and goals in a given space and time. Some of the featured maps map intensity of traffic, level of sound pollution, public transport maps – day and night and plenty more.


  1. Love this post. You inspired me. I have been thinking a lot about how I nurture the visual aesthetic but have lately shut down the cerebral. I spend a lot of thinking time thinking about myself, ostensibly to be a better person but really I think there's a lot of tail chasing navel gazing. I need to get back to big ideas and crazy dreams. Soooo.....if a sketchbook sketch can inspire that I think it's a goodie. :) xx

  2. I am art stalking you. ;p This series of Praha portraits is fascinating, gorgeous and clever!!!
