Monday, February 10, 2014

Lindsey for Petr Book

Hmmm. I'm not sure this copied correctly. As I was reflecting about this entry and some of my favorite Springsteen's lyrics, I stumbled onto this one: "The BEST music, you can seek some shelter in it momentarily, BUT it's essentially there to provide you something to face the world..." The last winter I was in Prague, I went to  Nuremberg Christmas market and bought a handful of  of old beautiful stamps. My favorite was of this cool globe, so I wanted to use it as the backdrop of a piece. From there, I found this quote. I often use music as a mood regulator (perhaps we all do) and this image of a female warrior (bottom left corner) came to mind. She's doing a great job of facing the world head on. With my move to Toronto, getting married, changing jobs, etc, I've had to take a lot of leaps of faith. No matter how extroverted one person is, it's difficult to move to new cities and build new communities. Although I'd rather live in a city where I don't need a car, my job is in a far off suburb, and I've embraced this commute by making it full of music and podcasts- the are my emotional support for processing my day- and help me "face the world!"


  1. As always you are my role model. How many times do I think of you when I struggle to find the right words or ask the right questions. I'm getting better at it. Marriage, new country, city, job....crazy fantastic. I love the stamps. I'm a tad jealous I missed that purchase! Happy Valentines Day Linds. I am going out with my lovely boy to dinner. I will wear my Istanbul earrings you said I wouldn't wear enough. xx

    1. Thanks dear- and it makes me so happy...thinking of us in the grand bazaar, on a pile of carpets or on folding chairs...drinking hot apple tea and buying fabulous earrings!!! Happy Vday to you and yours. xoxo

  2. Lindsey, i love the stamps, but even more i love to read your thinking, you're so bright and grounded. We often listen to Bruce on our drive to school with the boys, Fabian loves the epic Outlaw Pete and sings it out loud with amazing involvement and energy and Matyas tunes in for The Wrestler - his favourite, I dig it, sing along and crack up.

  3. Reading your response, the first thing i think is that your children have the best names! Are these family names? I think we could have a while other book inspired by your children's names!!

  4. I thought of you the other day when I saw some stamps in a market - that was Nuremburg and those earrings near the ferris wheel and the coats and Susan's sheepskin hat!
    I love the earthy feel of this piece, it feels homey, worn in, like you have gotten to grips with the place you are in.
