Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Erin's Book, Ruth's Entry

Erin, your book got me thinking but there was so much to think about I got bogged. I know these pages need something more but I'm a bit stumped. I wish I had more materials. I have gone back to my 'making do' and yes, there may be lipstick on this piece.

I took from Erin a couple of things. Roughly the theme of my city, my life. And riffed off the repeated colours and shapes idea that were used, just in a different way. My little windows are in some cases as subtle as a sledgehammer. Yes, that IS a kangaroo. And others...too disconnected to explain (that's my stance and I'm sticking to it).

I am loving this city. Last night a friend and I cycled down to the river in town to grab something to eat and then cycled on to an outdoor concert in the Botanical Gardens: 'Arcade Fire'. Canadian. The city is alive with great things to do and the centre of town is less than 10 minutes along a bike track. It's a beautiful summer at last and I'm making the most of it.

Petr, you are next with this. Have a play with my pages to extend. This is where I miss not being able to stroll over to your lovely art space, inappropriate music playing, and get some advice. It is only a beginning of an idea. It needs a hell of a lot more. Just not sure what. I'm also reluctant to hang onto it longer given my late start.

Love to you all! Come visit!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Ruth, this is bloody beautiful! Colour wise, balance wise, all the shit just comes together perfectly, already messing with ideas in my head - you, girl, are at the top of your creative powers - wanna see more! Yes, and i'm fucking jealous, just grab a bike, food and go to see arcade fire, hell yes! Lucky you, sounds like a great place! ps: the kangaroo's gotta a fairly evil look, what pissed him off?
