Friday, January 17, 2014


All right, so it looks like I've gone a little nuts with how many spreads I dare to "take" but I figured that since we're only 5 in this rotation why not to fill in some, hope, Ruth, you won't mind ...

I dig your entry, Ruth, and immediately upon opening your book I knew that I'll work with the motif of clouds as I find them a fitting symbol of hope - hoping for happy accidents is your theme. As I was looking through my drawers for various materials to cut the clouds from I came upon this stencil like chocolate box I once found in a recycle bin and decided to use it as a stencil to spray paint over various images somewhat resonating with the theme of happiness - a child's smile, angel, wedding photo, hands in the process of making, intersecting paths, and a narval - especially for you, Ruth.

I gotta say I had so much fun working in your book! See my workspace and some details.

1 comment:

  1. You can take as much space as you like or need mate, as far as I am concerned. You know we are always really happy to find a "Petr" in the mix.
    I'm looking forward to seeing this in the flesh, as I'm digging the texture you've got going on in the spray painting and may try to riff off of it. Hopefully it will give the book a sense of flow.
    I may be able to start a FIS sketchers group next year, have a group of people that think the idea is really cool and are arty types - am I allowed to start a franchise?
