Monday, January 6, 2014

Lindsey for Anne- Missing Praha

Around the holidays I get very nostalgic about my time spent in Prague. The Christmas markets and winter festivities are so amazingly done in Europe, that almost anything else feels like a let-down. I was shopping in Toronto and ran across a super cute stationary store on Bloor St. I love stationary! There were a few shelves in the back that had stickers and images from a few select cities around the world- like Hong Kong, Paris, London, etc...and then, there was Prague. I knew I had to buy them and do something with the images. Completing this entry was a lovely walk down memory lane. Tis my Ode to Praha.


  1. i love the Praha you recreated, it's very fit. What a fortunate event, running into those stickers.

  2. Hey - this fits with both themes - the little things in life and strangely normal.
    Noticed the ice-creams appearing a lot - was just back in Prague with Nikki - and was like "damn you Angelatos - for closing the day I arrive in the country- seriously not ok." (especially as I'd sent some people from Frankfurt there the week before).
