Saturday, November 16, 2013

Erin's Book

So, Sketchers, take 3?!  It's hard to believe that this is my third Sketchers book, time does truly fly.  I am attempting to find myself as an artist.   Things still look better in my head than they do on paper.  I don't really have a theme for this book, my mind is all over the place as I experience a new work environment and a new city, so technically my first few pieces are about some of my impressions of Sao Paulo.   It is the 7th largest city in the world and there is a lot going on.   I haven't had much of a chance to explore yet, but as I do I'll hopefully be able to add some of those experiences to further pieces of work.

I've put a few pieces in my book to start with, one about food, one about colour and culture and one about the contrasts in my neighbourhood.


  1. What a great colourful reflection of your life and place right now! I love being able to read through the links and find out more about the culture you're becoming part of. Is there a theme to your book!

  2. Memories flooding back of the joyous bunch of contradictions that is Sao Paulo and Brasil, Favela and luxury condo's, Catholicism and Candomblé,
    Love your picture of the colour and higgedly-piggedly housing with the big shiny city in the background.
    Enjoy, stay safe and creative.

  3. Your picture is making me HUNGRY! You and your damn sweets- so sweet! Love the colors and vibe of the cityscape.
