Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Petr's Book / Entry One

I was considering quite a few themes for my book and in the end decided for one I had on mind for quite a long time throughout the many exchanges. I'd like to ask all who will contribute in this book to interpret/illustrate a segment of or an entirety of a lyric - namely Bruce Springsteen's "Magic". This lyric (and the song) have got a real magic to it - at least for me - hence my choice. 

I decided to illustrate various parts of the song in a flow of imagery across a couple spreads. I chose black and white and red as my key colours and went for simple silhouette-like images. I wanted to create something similar in ink for quite a while and so I really appreciated this opportunity.

Hope you'll have as much fun as I did!

Music here 

Lyric including my initial sketch below:

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